~ Projects ~

(I) Evaluation of OpenWHO online courses on Infection Prevention and Control in the context of Covid-19. Review of course design and recommendations for improving learners’ experience and course effectiveness
(II) Development of a strategy and a framework for low-middle-income countries to enable in-person and online training of health and care workers during an emergency or disease outbreak

Participatory evaluation of the short course ‘Pandemics: Emergence, Spread and Response‘. Providing pedagogical recommendations for course improvements based on evaluation results.
Advise on design and development of a blended learning course on Social Protection in Pakistan. Delivering training to course facilitators from the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Pakistan.

Support and guidance on the development of a MOOC ‘Pastoralism in development’’. with focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Responsible for guiding the process of the MOOC design and development from inception (scoping) through development (learning design) to delivery (piloting and evaluation). Advise on pedagogic approaches and learning technology.

Process and outcome evaluation of the online course ‘Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training‘ (GICAST).

BBC Make It Digital project. Developing online teaching and learning resources for using micro:bit (portable computer) in secondary schools in UK and globally (as part of Creative Digital Solutions Ltd)

Tate-on-Khan Academy project. Consulting on learning design and development of digital content and activities for independent and peer-to-peer learning in and informal online learning context; evaluation of digital learning experience (as part of Creative Digital Solutions Ltd)

Design and delivery of an ‘International Learning Design Challenge’ – a MOOC training teachers and educators worldwide on how to move their courses online. Lead on the MOOC’s impact evaluation for the Building Community Knowledge project led by London Knowledge Lab, Diana Laurillard.

Research study commissioned by JISC as part of the Digital Student project, exploring students’ experiences of digital learning at university. The aim of the study was to build a picture of the manner in which digital technology is incorporated into the teaching practice within schools and the role it plays in students learning both within, and beyond, formal educational contexts.